Penninghame St John's Parish Church
Machars Churches Basics Food Bank
Our Mission Statement
“To provide practical help to individuals and families in need by giving emergency food supplies and other essentials. There will be an offer of Christian support and friendship. The Basics Bank is built on a partnership of churches, referral agencies, and the donating community and the service is free, non-judgemental and confidential.”
Machars Churches Basics Food Bank started operating in December 2012 and is a partnership of 14 Churches, referral agencies, church congregations, and the donating community.
Most of our referrals for food aid come through our registered referral partners, ie: Womens Aid, Social Services, etc but referrals can be made by church Ministers and Elders and in exceptional circumstances we will accept personal referral.
Now that Marlane & David have retired from running the Food Bank we have a new temporary co-ordinator. A more comprehensive update of how the Food Bank and it's management will develop will be given in the next church newsletter. It continues to rely on vulunteers help to carry out the following tasks:-
Managing the shop, donations and purchases onto shelves
Packing bags for clients to collect at Albert Street store
Delivering bags to specified clients in rural areas.
Collection of donations from drop off points across the Machars and supermarkets.
New Volunteers
Please, please consider offering your help and support, if you are able a morning a week or a month on a consistent basis would be extremely helpful and spread the burden more equally. We look forward to welcoming more to the team. Or perhaps you could cover a few days when one of the team is on holiday. Training and support will be given to all volunteers.
If you are interested or would like to find out more about it you can talk to Kevan Chambers or Debbie Monteith or phone the coordinator on the number below who will be happy to give you further information.
Food Bank Opening Hours at 5 Albert Street, Newont Stewart 9am-12noon on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
The food aid consists of food and toiletries items sufficient for a week. Repeat food aid can be requested. We do not limit the amount of times any individual or family can request and be allocated food. We operate purely on a person’s need.
We can in emergency situations provide financial assistance for gas/electricity supply. This is only available to people who have a key/card for a meter. In this situation we obtain the key/card and “top-up” to a maximum of £40. (No money is given) This is a limited service and there are restrictions on repeat aid being given.
The Basics Bank operates entirely on donations. None of our team of volunteers receive any payment either for the work they do or expenses they incur in the execution of that work.
We have food share contracts with Aldi, Coop and Sainsburys in Newton Stewart and regularly receive spare/waste food donations from them.
We do have the facility to accept Direct Debit payments into our bank account from individuals who prefer to donate a regular amount of money rather than food.
To make contact with the Food Bank to discuss food aid and access the service please
Telephone: 07874934387
or e-mail