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Sunday Club

Sunday Club meets in the church hall just before the service starts.  The children join the congregation for the first part of the service before retiring to the hall to do a host of activities based around a bible story/theme including games, crafts, news time as well as thinking about what is happening in the world around us currently and if there is anything that we as a group could pray for.  Visiting children within the congregation are very  welcome to join with the other children at Sunday Club.

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Breakfast at the Church Hall

Group of young people age Primary 7 to Secondary age meet together in the church hall once a month for a cooked breakfast and bible study then attend church together.

This group also meets for pizza and games evenings and monthly activity night in conjunction with Barcaple Abernethy Trust.

Holiday Club

Holiday Club takes place each year during the summer holidays running for a week from 10-11.45am. For all primary aged children.

The week usually has a theme last years being Superheros.

This week is full of stories, crafts and games. 

A large team of volunteers are required to make this week possible both upfront and behind the scenes.  If this is something you would like to help with please get in touch as soon as possible as all volunteers require to be PVG checked before taking part.

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