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Bible Study

Tuesdays 2pm Mixed Bible Study.
Wednesday 8pm Women's Bible Study.
Wednesday 8pm Men's Bible Study.



Music is lead by a variety of musicians and types of music.
New musicians and singers are always welcome.


Men's Breakfast

A chance for the men to get together for a hearty breakfast at the Belted Galloway in Newton Stewart.  Not too early a start though at 9.05am.
All very welcome.


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Prayer Meeting

A mixed group meet for a prayer meeting every Tuesday in the church hall at 12pm.
All very welcome.

Fellowship Dinner

Our fellowship dinners happen every three months.
As the title suggests it is a time for people to come together for a lovely meal at the Scent O Galloway.  
A box is passed round for people to pop in anonymous questions which Edward answers at the end of the evening.  Everyone is very welcome to come along.


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Our Guild

Guild Motto  “Whose we are and whom we serve"

Our guild meets on the third Monday of each month from September to March , with other planned events and activities from time to time. 

 Our programme is based around  the Guild aims of encouraging both men and women to grow in faith, to develop Christian fellowship and serve others both at home and abroad.

 Following the national guild theme for this year, “Companions on the Road”, part of an overarching theme of “One Journey, Many Roads”, we have various speakers who come along to speak about a wide range of topics.

As well as exploring our own Christian journey, we fund raise for a number of nominated projects and hold a series of events such as our Winter Warmer Lunch so that we can contribute to both national and international initiatives. 

Meetings are informal and friendly, and all are welcome!

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